What's New?

I will no longer be posting for The Lackadaisical Firefly, but please don't hesitate to follow me at my new Facebook page, Louise Williams, for updates, philosophical insights on everyday life, poems, and more!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Existential Crisis

The eyes looked up vacantly, expectantly,
toward the darkening sky.
Silent and wide and drinking in
the dim light of the waking stars.

We were far away tonight,
watching our dreams narrow and shatter
against the sharp horizon like fiery glass arrows

(the remains of which glowed as they fell into place,
leading us slowly into the billowy blackness).

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Procrastination and a Skewed Sense of Time

Why do I do this to myself?

I know the time is coming
quick and hollow
like Christmas songs
before holiday cheer:
sickening and I don't realize
how disorienting it is
until it's too late and

Someone's already been trampled in Walmart
for presents they can't afford to buy.

That's where I am.
Stuck, between a hard place
and several worn soles.

I just can't force myself
to get this all finished.
I just can't force myself to begin.

I don't really know where to begin.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tongue Forgot the Way Back

*NOTE: Sorry this one was late again, but I am working on something new for the blog: Video Poems!  Above is the first of what I hope will be a long line of them.  Let me know what you think!  As always, the actual poem will be listed below.  Enjoy! :3

I woke up yesterday realizing that I am not Africa.

I have not been Africa for a while.
My hair and skin my speak African,
but my lips and tongue forgot the movements.

My lips and tongue forgot the way back.

I am and have been American, only,
for over a century, if not more.
I was lifted away from that distant home
some time ago, forever ago,
and became separate from its history.
   I thought it might be hiding in here

But, my lips and tongue forgot the way back.
And they were my road map.

So now I'm following forest green street signs
waiting for one to point me in the direction of my history
and my future.

Not having a history, and having no history
truly, leaves one disjointed and slippery
like colored paint.
    Easy to wash away.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Puzzle Pieces

Bits of picture plastered cardboard
tumble down haphazardly
onto cool, morning dewy me.
     They place themselves
onto my exhaling belly
and wait.  The space
     between the breath -
and they fix themselves together,
completing the image
without letting me see.

It's my lot in life,
to know when...
but not where
 or how.