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I will no longer be posting for The Lackadaisical Firefly, but please don't hesitate to follow me at my new Facebook page, Louise Williams, for updates, philosophical insights on everyday life, poems, and more!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Lighter Reflections

Hey everyone!  Sorry I missed a post for the last week.  Since school started I've been SUPER busy what with work and such.  Never fear though!  I'll be posting my routine poem tonight, and another tomorrow night to make up for the missing one.  Hope you like it!


I watched his profile disappear behind the mirror.
I watched his reflection smile and frown
as he found himself, finally.

It was as though Narcissus had possessed him,
or the mother whom fate had forced to
flee.  Loving and inconstant,

his gaze bore holes in the silver glass,
treated with toxins and abrasive chemicals
and holy water,
to reflect what he'd forgotten

like a river,
clear and dishonest:
only feathers or pixie dust may be carried by the flow.
All things heavy eventually settle along the outer edge

to be seen only by a strange passerby.

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