What's New?

I will no longer be posting for The Lackadaisical Firefly, but please don't hesitate to follow me at my new Facebook page, Louise Williams, for updates, philosophical insights on everyday life, poems, and more!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

"The Stars In Her Hair"

This is my first painting in quite a while, but I'm very happy with it.  Let me know what you think!
The Stars In Her Hair
Also, just as a side note, I'm sorry for the quality of the picture.  I don't know where my main camera is so I had to settle for less.  I'll post a better quality photo when my camera reappears!  Enjoy!


Monday, September 9, 2013


I stood, uncomfortable.
I waited for his response.
I bit my lip, and watched him take in the silence
that followed the last note.

I closed my eyes
     and imagined myself away.
I opened my eyes
     and still he had said nothing.

Was it something about the way my hands
drifted up above the keys, as though to catch
the last ringing tones hanging above our heads?

Or was it the anger that filled each forte,
the tugging emptiness in each rest,
the bittersweet lullaby
that wrapped itself around us, and
bade us dream of our mortality?

Perhaps it was the way I sought the answer in his eyes.
I should have been less forward.
I should have diverted my gaze from him,
allowed him to tuck himself away
and become impenetrable.

In any case, I didn't know.
He kissed me, but he wouldn't tell.