What's New?

I will no longer be posting for The Lackadaisical Firefly, but please don't hesitate to follow me at my new Facebook page, Louise Williams, for updates, philosophical insights on everyday life, poems, and more!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Feral beauty, bound;
Source: http://www.coyotes.org/kitsune/myths_japanese.html
the poor man prostrates himself,


 Here's a little haiku I wrote after being inspired by a Japanese myth called "The Fox in the Brothel".  I definitely encourage everyone to read it, it is a lovely story. :)


Monday, December 30, 2013


Have you seen this dream?

It was very brief
   and boisterous
   and bright

a single red balloon
I sent to the stars last night.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Concentrate On Quiet

A sweet smile
for her laugh, too loud.

I pursed my lips
and hushed her,
the way I would an infant:
tenderly and without disdain.

She blushed and apologized
and looked to the front
where the professor

danced back and forth
before each of us
ignorant pupils.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Come What May

The clutter I've accumulated:
thousands of books, stacked
into neat piles that reach the ceiling -
I crave the knowledge folded delicately
between each page.

But what use is knowledge
when I have no strength to act upon it?

Come what may,
I must rouse myself.

Come what may,
I must revive my slow-beating heart
which even now
wears the mask of untimely sleep.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I have surpassed myself
and rest easy, filled up
with stardust and fertile soil.
I am the nesting ground
for the raven and the dove,

I am the throne of the greatest power
and the greatest humility.

Come watch the blooming lotus,
tranquil and unmoving
on the mirrored sky.

Come join yourself with me
and let your roots carry deep
within my womb,
that you may see the World and

remain untouched by death.

Source: www.redbubble.com/people/goldenisis

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Deep in that feral place
where from river-washed stones
spring wild green toads
and fallen logs hide lazy crocodiles
that sleep by the water's edge,
we might find ourselves
illuminated by the sunbeams
that tumble through the shady treetops
and brighten the ground beneath us;
a golden daydream.

Follow me there, a brilliant star
that reveals the hidden way.
Eyes open and filled up with the world's color;
I will be your sight
that welcomes truth and illusion alike.

Source: www.viyett.com.au/yoga-articles.html

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Before the light of day appears
to cast away night's shadow,
clear voices of songbirds come
filled with hope and filled with sorrow

but fearful? not these courageous tones
which ring with all their might, of
the truth that lay in the rising sun,
the joy which gives them flight

and remember now, that I am here:
the howling wind
the quiet tumble of water over rock
the crackle of your flame,

the irrepressible voice
which causes mountains to crumble
and the immovable heart
to shake.
Source: www.trulyorganicfoods.com/blog/tag/healing-with-energy